Understanding & fostering heart health
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The heart is the engine that keeps our body running – without its performance, everything stops. This makes it all the more important to keep the heart and cardiovascular system fit and healthy. In this event, you'll learn how the heart works and which factors have a significant impact on its health.
What to expect:
- Anatomy & function of the heart: Understand how the heart and cardiovascular system work together and what mechanisms keep it running.
- Identifying risk factors: Learn how vascular diseases develop and which personal and external factors can contribute to them.
- Strengthening heart health: Discover practical tips and strategies to keep your heart healthy through simple lifestyle changes.
Take a moment to focus on your most vital organ and learn how to care for your heart in the long term. Your heart will thank you!
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.
- Krankheit
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