
This support service is free of charge, anonymous and confidential. Regardless of whether you already have a specific concern or are still unsure, the confidants listed below are here to help you.

Internal Confidants


For employees: Staff Council
Phone Email

Pauline Vogel

For employees: Corporate Health Management
Currently not available

Beate Langer

For employees and students from the science sector: uniqUS - Unit for Inclusive University Culture
Chat Phone Email

Silvia Meyer

For employees from technology, administration and the library: Equal Opportunities Officer
Chat Phone Email

Julia König

Vice Representative for Equal Opportunity
Chat Phone Email

Marion Specht

Chat Phone Email

Jana Jäckle

Chat Phone Email

Susan Völkel

For employees and students: Contact person for anti-discrimination
Chat Phone Email

Barbara Scheubert

For employees and students: Diversity Management Officer
Currently not available

Christine dos Santos Costa

For employees and students: Contact Person for Sexual Harassment (w/d)
Chat Phone Email

Dr. Klaus Hübler

For employees and students: Contact Person for Sexual Harassment (m/d)
Chat Phone Email

Dennis Klein

For employees: Company integration management (BEM)
Chat Phone Email

Sonja Rapp

For employees: Management development
Chat Phone Email

Kurt Hagemann

For employees: Representative for People with Severe Disabilities
Chat Phone Email

Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Eggert

For students and employees: Commissioner for students with disabilities or chronical illness / Inclusion Officer of the employer (for employees)
Chat Phone Email

Service Uni&Familie

For employees and students: Service Uni&Familie
Chat Phone Email

Karl-Heinz Hansal

For employees and students: Care advisor
Chat Phone Email

Stephan Bissinger

For employees: Head of Personnel and Legal Department
Phone Email

Sonja Bittner

For employees: Department of Personnel and Legal Affairs
Phone Email


For students: Social Counseling
Phone Email

Psychologische Beratung

For employees and students: Psychological Counseling
Phone Email

Peter Salzmann

For employees: Corporate Contact Person for Addiction Prevention
Chat Phone Email

Dagmar Hansen

For employees: Corporate Contact Person for Addiction Prevention
Chat Phone Email

Dr. Christian Stahl

For employees: Corporate Contact Person for Addiction Prevention
Chat Phone Email

Dr. Ursula Meiser

For students, doctoral candidates, teachers & supervisors: Ombudsperson Teaching and Doctoral Studies
Chat Phone Email

Dezernat Internationales / International Office

For international employees and students: counseling and services
Phone Email

Team Referat Gleichstellung, Diversity und Soziales

For students: Student Council
Chat Email

Zentrale Studienberatung

For students: Central Student Advisory Service
Phone Email

Klinikum Stuttgart - Suchtmedizinische Ambulanz

Mon-Fri: 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm
Phone Email

Arbeitsmedizinischer Dienst (AMD)

For employees: Occupational Medical and Health Services
Phone Email

Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes

Mon-Thu: 9am - 3pm
Phone Email

Arbeitskreis Leben Stuttgart

For employees and students
Phone Email

Pflegetelefon (Care phone)

Mon-Thu: 9am - 6pm
Phone Email

Konflikthotline Baden Württemberg

For employees

Phone Email

Büro für diskriminierungskritische Arbeit Stuttgart

For employees and students
Phone Email

Community basierte Beratungsstellen

For employees and students: Community-based advice centers Community-based advice centers

Scicomm Support


Public Counseling Offers

Show public counseling offers

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay anything for the support?

No, the assistance or the conversation with the contact person is free of charge for you. You can have this conversation during working hours. 

What is the advantage of this support for me?

In situations where we feel overwhelmed, are confronted with a conflict at work or in the study environment, or are worried about our health, most people are overwhelmed and have difficulty thinking clearly. An initial overview of support services or contacting our contact persons anonymously can help you talk out your own worries and thoughts and sort them out. The contact people (confidants) can help you to classify your situation, to get a neutral view of your situation or to point out possible solutions.

Is my concern important enough?

You can be sure that the contact persons will take your concern seriously. If there is an issue that concerns you or makes you unhappy, it is a right and important step to confide in someone.

Is my request really confidential?

Yes. You do not have to provide any information about yourself. In some cases, it may be useful to provide data such as gender, affiliation (technical and administrative employee, scientist or student), your field of work or your study program or faculty to allow for an individual approach. However, this is completely voluntary. All information will be treated strictly confidential by your contact person.

Can all contact persons be reached anonymously?

No. This is for various reasons. Sometimes a personal, confidential conversation is the better choice. 
Whether internal confidants can be contacted anonymously is based on the selection option. If you select a confidant, you will find a contact card on the right-hand side with the name, position, and, if applicable, the e-mail address of the person. If there is also the option to select a topic in the contact card and the option "Anonymous contact (Chat)" is present in the next step, then it is possible to contact this person anonymously. If these options are not available, the contact is not necessarily anonymous.
External confidants that are integrated in Evermood, e.g., the TelefonSeelsorge or the Elterntelefon, can only be contacted outside the Evermood platform anyways. In such cases, these support offers may also be reached anonymously. Find out more about this on the website of the respective support offer you are trying to reach.